7 Critical Success Elements To Mastering Your MLM Biz
Multi-level marketing is a perilous business. On the surface, everybody says the same thing. And everyone claims to be legit. Even the scammers. And the “MLM truth” sites hate everything, so they’re not a big help. What’s a mere mortal to do?
Enter the 7 Critical Elements of a Primary Business. There are elements that every solid network marketing opportunity should have in order to give you the best potential for long term income. If your company doesn't have them, then keep looking.
Here they are in a nutshell:
1. Unique Products: You do not want to be in the position of competing solely on price. Products must serve multiple market categories, be unique enough to get patents, and the products have to serve the largest possible market segment. Are they consumable? Products with one-time-sales makes residual income difficult.
2. Company Stability: The ability to give you long-term business and financial security, based on their company and business history. It’s best if the company has been around longer than 5 years, and shown financial stability and a track record of payouts.
3. Marketing System: System to market primary must be compatible with the internet marketing techniques, and current consumer trends. They must be simple and duplicatable. Network marketing is a business system for non-business people.
4. Company Management: Must be led by successful leaders in business with a vision for the future growth – not management mofe. Does the company have the talent at management level to effectively keep a good product pipeline and service its distributor base?
5. Global Reach: Must be groundfloor in their global expansion. Management must have prior experience in global expansion. Is the compensation plan the same around the world?
6. Compensation & Incentives: Maximize your income based on your efforts. Must payout at least 50% of sales dollar, must offer unlimited depth within compensation plan. Must offer Fast Start Bonuses, must offer other incentives and recognition. You must be able to achieve $10,000/month true residual income with less than 500 people in the organization. Does the company you are evaluating document its payout with U.S. IRS?
7. Pay-It Forward: Does the company Pay-It Forward to the masses? They must give back globally what they are taking out in a significant way. Are their products and policies ethical? Socially responsible? Is the company's vision is to make an impact on the world in a positive way. Do they encourage significant charity corporately and amongst their distributor base?
If your company can meet all 7 of these critical elements, you’re on your way to tremendous success. For more in-depth info on these 7 criteria, you can visit my website:
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